Jessica Feldman
Why did you decide to pursue a career in the Visual Arts?
I always say that life takes you where you have to be In life you have to pursue happiness and thats what i decided, to dedicate my time doing what i love to do, being happy and being able to comunicate thru art all my emotions.
When did you make that important decision?
I have always painted but never realized i could make it my lifes work until one day that i was painting at the beach and i felt an overwelming joy, it was so powerfull i cried happy tears. I thought why not have this feeling all the time and in that moment i decided to leave my current work and make a career change.
What inspires you the most?
I love to travel and really see the people around me, their movements and look at the little details in everyday life. I like to be able to interact thru my paintings with the spectator and intrigue them.
What inspires you the most?
I love to travel and really see the people around me, their movements and look at the little details in everyday life. I like to be able to interact thru my paintings with the spectator and intrigue them.
What are your favorite subjects and why?
Kinetic art and Women because i feel they are the pilar of things. They can be strong or delicate, they are the continuity of ideas and also its like a reflection of myself in constant movement.
Where doyou prefer to work?
at my studio with music, real life, studio with friends
Her art is considered a “Mexican Op Art” binding the richness of mexican culture in a contemporary way.
Every piece has a story to tell, you have to find the meaning beneath and that makes the idea transcend.
The idea of movement and integration with the spectator makes her work unique, its a fusión of cinetic art with figurative forms.